Attempt at comp chicken


Jeff R

I have cooked alot of chicken in my time, but never for competition. I hesitate to call these competition chicken. This a practice cook yesterday, more so for taste than appearence although I did attempt to trim them up. That was a good learning and they were more appetising to eat with the vein removed. Where I see I went wrong was the skin was trimmed up too small and shrunk causeing them not to maintain their shape.

I have never been one to cook for appearence, but the bug has bitten

The good news is this was some mighty fine tasting chicken and sauce was not needed.

Halfway done

Finished. Top row, no sauce.

Plated with some little potatoes from the farmers market. I have only seen these before in a can and was glad to have bought them.

Chickens look great. Ya can't go wrong using muffin pans to get a nice uniformed shape.....just sayin...


Originally posted by ScottE:
Chickens look great. Ya can't go wrong using muffin pans to get a nice uniformed shape.....just sayin...



Hope you got Myrons permission.

Great looking chicken guys.
Jeff, your bird thighs look GREAT!

those in the muffin pans don't look "normal".
it's beyond me why judges in comps feel the need to have all look "uniform".
i'd hesitate even picking up a round chicken thigh... let alone eet one.
and it would not surprise me if mixon "invented" the muffinpan thigh.

not impressed with most comp looking food, i prefer the "real" look. Jeff, yours has the "real" look.
Yeah, knew about that method, but I have to say... I get trimming up to make an appetising presentation, as well as cleaning up all the loose fat and skin from the initial processing, but if you have to produce chickencakes in order to be recognized as a winning bbq'er, then I need to bow out now before I even begin

But since I know non mufffins win too, I think I will give it a try!

