I have an 18" and 22" WSM, I have not used the 22 very much and not at all with ATC. I have cooked plenty of butts with ATC on my 18 (usually 2-4 at a time) at 225 with no water and start with a dozen lit coles and can get 14-16 hours easy with out refueling. I have to cook for a party in a few week and will use the 22 and will cook 6-8 butts using same method as I do with the 18. My question is can I get 16 hours on the 22 with out refueling with 8 butts? My main concern is the middle 8 hours I hope to be sleeping and don't want any low temp. alarms going off in the middle of the night. So if anyone who has a 22 can give me an idea on possible fuel consumption for 8 butts and a time line I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance.