What type of "Asian" flavour do you want to achieve.
Just as you have many different BBQ flavours in North America, in Asia they have many more different flavours and they vary from and in combination of sweet, sour, hot, mild, salty, minty, gingery, nutty.
I guess that typically you would be looking for something with a salty,hot sweet flavour with a garlic finish which would be along the lines of a Hoisin or Teryaki flavour with chilli tones.
The base of these types of Asian marinades is generally Soy sauce, Oyster Sauce, Sherry, Rice Wine vinegar> A sweetener such as Palm Sugar, Sugar or Honey. A sweet or fermented bean paste. Spices such as Chinese 5 spice, chilli, sichuan pepper, corriander, cinnamon, alspice etc. Fresh herbs Garlic, Ginger, Chilli.
With these items you can develop your marinade, however, bear in mind that a high sugar content will usually get bitter with long medium heat, high heat or direct cooking. To obtain extra sweetness it is best to add this at the end or with a sauce.
In China the flavours as well as the ingredients differ from providence to providence and city to city within the providences. They are diverse in the extreme.
The best Asian Style sauce recipe that I have is one that I developed to match the sauce that is generally served with Char Sui pork (you may know of it as red pork)
2 parts Hoi Sin Sauce
1 part Honey
1 part light soy sauce
1 part rice wine vinegar
1 part water
minced garlic to taste ( I use a teaspoon when I am using a 1/2 cup measure.
Place ingredients in a suacepan, bring to boil and simmer uncovered for 10 minutes.