Ashamed of My Coffee This AM



TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
So oldest daughter spent night here last night to go with wife for some medical things as another set of "good ears". I have the attention span and knowledge of a gnat so best she went with her mom.
So I needed to make a bigger pot. Well the Breville uses 2 different baskets. Cone shaped for up to 8 cups (40 oz), and basket style for everything above up to 12 cups (it uses the large commercial style basket filters). So, IDK what I did wrong, but the coffee bed didn't wet correctly and the brew was somewhat "insipid". We drank some of it then I gave up, and after they got back and wife went to work I pulled some shots on the KitchenAid Espresso machine and they were "ahhhhh very good"

