ash catcher mod


George Curtis

TVWBB Olympian
Not sure why I never thought of this. It might not appeal to everyone. But I'm tired of water sitting in the dish corroding it. So I just drilled a small hole in the bottom. Now water drains but the hole is small enough to prevent ash from falling through. If not sure of the ash you can put a piece of foil over the hole.
well, as I started to cook some chicken quarters in my 18.5 kettle and I found a fallacy in my thinking. the hole also drains the
grease from the chicken. so I had to grab a screw to stop up the hole quickly. but no real big deal. i'll just remember to foil
the dish before I use it next time.
Guys, disregard this dumb idea. Made sense when I did it but now I see it is not one of my better ideas. Will just store the dish in the grill when not in use. Jeez.
Thanks for the follow up I might have tried this otherwise :) I have purchased the new ash catcher and installed on a Silver and the installation is pretty easy, just cost about $40 and can't seem to find them on sale.
George I doubt I would have considered just storing the dish inside the grill either. Sometimes the simplest solutions escape us.
I have not had one corrode out yet, my OTplatinum is pushing twenty. I leave it out all year around grilling year round, in rain, snow, sleet and dark of night.
Wasn't really worried about it corroding. I'm a lifelong mechanic. I respect my tools and have always respected what else I have. Thus my irritation at an ash catcher that is not clean. On beaters that I have rescued I have spent insane amounts of time cleaning the ash catchers. No, I don't have ocd, just respect for what I own.
Fair enough George, I take good care of pretty much everything but the catcher, just never considered it much, now I will pay a little more attention to it!
Here's my ash catcher hack. A $6.00 galvanized pail they were using at the liquor store to make gift baskets with. Hangs on the original spring clips and offers better capacity and safety when the wind picks up.


