Army blanket WSM cover.


J Hoke

Some have asked to see the army blanket cover I use. Here it is. Used it yesterday. Was cold, rainy, and sleeting. Just kept chugging.

Its like a corral for smokers in there. Great idea with a readily an cheap insulating blanket. It leaves no kind of marks at all on the smoker?
Doubt I will need a blanket in my climate but if I did I know where I can probably get one of these.
Reminds me of guard duty right before dawn.

Wool is the only fiber that naturally resists flaming. Unlike many artificial fibers which melt and stick to the skin when on fire, wool usually smolders or chars instead of bursting into flame. Although wool will burn under intense fire, it normally self-extinguishes when the flame source is removed. For safety reasons, many airlines use wool or wool blends for the upholstry fabric on their seats. That's why wool is favored by the U.S. military.
It is my old dog kennel. Wife said no fema blue. Already had the top covered so I did the sides. No wind or rain. Still gets cold in there.

No marks of any kind and you would have to put the blanket directly on the coals and as Dwain said, it will extinguish itself. One blanket will do two 22s.

