Applewood only for Beef Brisket

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Frank S.

TVWBB Member
I'm doing my first Beef Brisket this weekend (Providing I can find the meat), and only have Apple wood chunks. Does anyone think this might not go well? Should I mix in some Hickory with it?

I have the standard WSM, and will be using the Minion method for the all night cook. Any recommendations on the amt. of charcoal to use?
Apple is fine for a brisket.
I would fill the fire ring full of charcoal, if your using kingsford 10 to 11 pounds to start, you should be able do the complete cook.
Frank, I used pecan anad peach for my brisket a couple of weeks ago and it turned out great. The differences in wood is very subtle except for red oak and mesquite which can be overpowering if used in excess. hickory and apple would go great together. Good Luck and Happy Smoking /infopop/emoticons/icon_cool.gif
Thanks guys.

I checked the butcher, and they only have briskets in the 2 - 3 lb range. I'm wondering if I should do a lower temp (150 - 180) 10 hr smoke...
Cook at 225? but you will need to foil more than likely to keep then moist (they are very small).
They more than likely won't have much or any fat on them, so cover in bacon or some to try to help them from drying out.
Wrap it tight and add apple juice to the packet, this would be done after a few hours of smoking.
Over cooking is what you want to avoid, Those small briskets will dry out quickly.
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