Apple Juice brine time 1/2 that of honey?


John Thom

TVWBB Member
I see the brining time for the apple juice brine is 24 hours and the honey is 48 hours. I was going to try the apple this year as I’ve been doing the honey. Its a 25# turkey. Should I stick with the 24 or would I be safe to go 48. I’m kind of leaning towards a day and a half. Would appreciate some help on this. Thank you!
You can do 24-48 hours on either of these. Each is based on the recommendation of the original recipe author. Anything in that range should be OK for you!
Or you could cheat the recipe on time by using frozen apple juice concentrate and not dilute it to 100% but rather 30-50%. That concentration and 24 hours should be plenty.

Very strong acids will break down your proteins into mush. You don’t want that.

