Anyone Using A WSM in Milwaukee?

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Mark Orlovsky

TVWBB Member
Don't know if this is the right place for this request, but I need to borrow a WSM for this coming weekend.
I am in the Milwaukee area and I need a 3rd WSM to complete my smoking for a dinner on Saturday night.
I will be making pulled pork for dinner (serving 200). Already smoked about 50 pounds raw weight and need to do about 100 pounds more.
If you can help post a reply and we can hook.

Thanks, Mark
Doesn't look like anybody from Milwaukee here.

Hope you find some help. Sounds like you may have to dig a pit in the ground (kidding).

You might do better if you post to the "new owners" section. More people seem to hangout there.

Also, check with the local fire departments and Moose, Lions, etc, they usually have large pits that they use for their BBQ fund raisers. At least in the South. Don't know about up there.
mark i have one that I MAY be able to let you use but I also am cooking for a big party so we will have to talk about the whens and the wheres. email me at my profile address
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