Anyone trim their baby backs?

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Geoff U.

TVWBB Member
I recently bought some racks of baby backs which had a lot of meat on the bones. At one end of each rack, the meat was over an inch thick on top of the bones, then got down to about half an inch at the other end. The problem was getting everything evenly cooked.

When they were done, at the thinner end of the racks the meat was falling off the bone, while at the thicker end the bones were falling off the meat. There was still some fat to be rendered out inside the thick end, but since the meat was trying to completely escape from the bones, I took them off and ate them. At one point I just used a fork because the bones just kept coming off in my hands. (Would have made a good pulled pork sandwhich, but I was too busy stuffing my face to turn it into one.)

I haven't read anything here about trimming extra meat off of baby backs. Does anybody do this? Any reasons not too? Any tips on cooking the trimmings?
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