Anyone smoking their own ham hocks?


Monty House

I have a family member that is terribly allergic to nitrates. I've been buying some really wonderful non-nitrate smoked ham shanks from Whole Foods, but they're $6/each. Was thinking about buying a case of frozen fresh ham hocks/shanks, then wet brining and smoking myself.

Anyone know if RD or other trade supply stores sell ham hocks by the case? Any good recipes for DIY ham hocks?
You can use any recipe you wish. The salt is the operative curing factor. If there is pink salt in the recipe replace it with an equivalent of salt. I suggest good sea salt. You can purée a stalk of celery or two to help fix the color.

After smoking place one or two hocks in a Ziploc and plunge into ice water - leaving the top of the bag open and making sure the top stays above the water surface - in order to cool quickly. When cold refrigerate or freeze till you need them.

