Mark Pilny
New member
Let's just say this process has been pretty frustrating. I ordered Craycort Cast Iron Grates for new 26 incher December 26th, 2012 from Amazon from seller 4Grillersjoy. They arrived January 4th, with one of the quadrant pieces missing! Damn! So I got in touch with their customer service and they said we're very sorry, here's a $10 dollar refund and will send out that missing piece right away. Sweet! Unfortuantly, that piece isn't in stock right now, so it'll be a couple of months till we can ship it. Damn again! So months go by, and I email them on the status of that piece. They said it will be in the mail this week. Sweet again! UPS man arrives today (April 2nd) with a package from Craycort. Yes! I open that son of a gun up, and it's my beloved missing 26in piece, but its cracked. Damn, Damn!! Over 3 months and my sh*t still isn't complete. Anyone else experience this? I don't think I'm alone, reading some reviews here and on Amazon, their shipping materials are garbage, I can atest to that. Not enough padding, fllimsy packaging, etc. I can't imagine how much money they are losing to refunds on their products. At least it hasn't been ideal grilling weather here in Chicago.