Anyone order Craycort grates from Amazon via seller 4Grillersjoy??


Mark Pilny

New member
Let's just say this process has been pretty frustrating. I ordered Craycort Cast Iron Grates for new 26 incher December 26th, 2012 from Amazon from seller 4Grillersjoy. They arrived January 4th, with one of the quadrant pieces missing! Damn! So I got in touch with their customer service and they said we're very sorry, here's a $10 dollar refund and will send out that missing piece right away. Sweet! Unfortuantly, that piece isn't in stock right now, so it'll be a couple of months till we can ship it. Damn again! So months go by, and I email them on the status of that piece. They said it will be in the mail this week. Sweet again! UPS man arrives today (April 2nd) with a package from Craycort. Yes! I open that son of a gun up, and it's my beloved missing 26in piece, but its cracked. Damn, Damn!! Over 3 months and my sh*t still isn't complete. Anyone else experience this? I don't think I'm alone, reading some reviews here and on Amazon, their shipping materials are garbage, I can atest to that. Not enough padding, fllimsy packaging, etc. I can't imagine how much money they are losing to refunds on their products. At least it hasn't been ideal grilling weather here in Chicago.
yea, sad to read this. but just keep at it till you get a good one. just be nice when talking to them.
many have them and like them.
i just prefer ss also, just not a char mark kinda guy.
Sorry to hear you're having an issue with this company. ...but I am glad you reported it here so others don't fall into the same pitfall. The CI grates look pretty cool -- I hope this is all behind you in time for grill season in your area.
Just a quick update. Today, Saturday, four days after I contacted Craycort about the damaged piece. I got a package in the mail from USPS.... it was my piece, in tact! Horray! The process in whole took longer than expected, but real great customer service, and they do take care of thier customers. Big ups.
Glad to see they came through. I was able to score a nice set off Craigslist with a unused veggie/wok insert also. Still have not used them but with the nice weather next week will be soon.
I tried to order the Craycorts for my Smokey Joe, but it fell apart. I'm in the Philippines and needed the weight and size of the items I wanted so I could figure the best way to get them over here. Sadly, I never got those figures and so my order never materialized. Next year we will be back in the States and when I get set up there and get a couple of Webers for smoking and grilling, I plan to do the Craycorts for sure.

