Anyone know about dash cams?

My wife's car is the better of our two cars, so I wanted her to have a dashcam. I had a front and rear cam system installed at our local car audio shop where they do all kinds of installations like that. I'm not sure I would get that particular model again, but I would have a professional installation done again. No showing wires, they connect it in a way I would not attempt, like through the dashboard and into the engine compartment to the battery or something. You really can't tell it is there unless you go looking for it.
Here’s a fresh one for you from this past week. I cannot say more though. These are pics from video. No video is posted here.

Suffice it to say, at-fault status was very easy to determine.
Everyday I get more freaked out about driving, I hope that wasn't you and the people are okay. Crazy stuff going on and the popularity of side shows with the skid marks they leave behind is simply nuts. I was behind a guy in a Challenger today and every turn he made he broke the tires loose and sped away.
Everyday I get more freaked out about driving, I hope that wasn't you and the people are okay. Crazy stuff going on and the popularity of side shows with the skid marks they leave behind is simply nuts. I was behind a guy in a Challenger today and every turn he made he broke the tires loose and sped away.
Not me. I’m in the insurance business. I see bad stuff daily.
They used to say wrong way drivers actually think everyone else is going the wrong way. I think they need to bring back high school driver training but I think we are way passed trying to fix this problem. Cars are safer and have great safety features but we still have more and more accidents. :(
They used to say wrong way drivers actually think everyone else is going the wrong way. I think they need to bring back high school driver training but I think we are way passed trying to fix this problem. Cars are safer and have great safety features but we still have more and more accidents. :(
High school driver training is still in place at least in PA. I worked as a behind-the-wheel instructor for the County Board of Education 2019-2020. It was a good job post retirement and I was a police officer for many years so that was desirable experience for the position. But...parents paid about $500 for their kids to participate in the complete program, which included 5 hours with a behind-the-wheel instructor and they had to log 60 hours with a licensed driver, usually a parent.
But clearly not every family can pony up $500 for each kid so many get no formal driver education.

