anyone ever use orange juice on chicken?


James Tag

TVWBB Member
I used an apple juice spray on my babyback ribs this weekend, and had terrific results.
This has me pondering the possible usages of other fruit juices in barbecue, especially with chicken.
Anyone ever tried OJ on chicken? I'm really curious as to how it would effect the overal flavor. I would think the citric acid in it would have an effect, but the sugar content should give it a nice sweet taste, along with a brown glaze. I know this also depends on the rub I use.
Anyone ever tried this?

Another possible try is, of course, lime juice, but I think that is kind of cheating, not to mention pretty obvious.
The instruction manual that came with my smoker years and years ago actually talks about using oranges or orange juice in the water pan and I believe it even talks about oranges in the cavity of chicken or turkey. I have used different fruits and juices in the water pan but to be honest I never could tell the differece. There are several recipes around for glazes and what not using oranges but I have never tried one. Give it a try and let us know how it turns out.
I have used orange juice in marinades and glazes for chicken and cornish hen. I tend to just throw in whatever seems to look good at the time I am making it but some of the other ingredients have included: molasses, honey, soy sauce, mustard, worchestershire sauce, brandy, Canadian whiskey, bourbon, along with various spices or herbs. It is always delicious.

I use o.j. quite frequently with all fowl, and other citrus juices too. Ruby red grapefruit is a favorite, as is blood orange; I probably use calamondin the most. It's a small, sour orange, very flavorful, that takes to sweeteners and garlic well. I like citrus with pork too.
Goya Mojo is the one to get-- good on pork, beef, chicken. BTW, they also make a very good EVOO that got a top rating in Consumer Reports, and not too expensive, either.

