Anyone ever cook without a lid?



New member
Has anyone ever cooked on their WSM or even a UDS WITOUT the lid on? I thought it might be similar to an open pit bbq. Temp management might be a little more difficult or hotter. But I was thinking of removing the water pan and that if I just close down the intake vents all the way that the limited draft from the top would be enough to keep them low and stable enough. Especially if using a consistent briq. Not that there is anything wrong w/ my WSM as is, but just looking for different ways to play. I've been looking into getting a Santa Maria style grill, or making up some sort of attachment for my Ranch and the idea just hit me.

I've never cooked without the lid. When I cook chicken or wings toward the end I will remove the access door to drive the heat up and crisp up the skin.
Thanks, I've done that to keep temps up, say for Turkey day or when I want to get over 325. But I'm looking to stay in the low and slow range, just do it open top. Again, not sure what the benefit would be, but interested to see if there is one. I was hoping that it might allow for more wood/smoke w/o the fear of creosote flavor. That is one thing I have struggled w/ on my WSM. Good even smoke flavor w/o it being too over powering or acrid/creosote flavored. A couple of small chunks don't seem to impart much smoke flavor, and too many chunks and I end up with thick, white, stinky smoke. I've tried all sorts of methods and wood combos and have yet to come across anything that yields the same flavor as a stick burning offset. Yes, I know they are two different beasts, and I'll take the hands-free WSM any day (especially w/ a IQ120) over the constant attention an offset requires. If the weather is nice today I may just fire her up w/ some extra chunks, leave the lid off and see what the grate temps are w/ all vents closed.
I don't think I have ether, but stuff like chicken parts on the lower grate would probably work fine. I'd leave the vents open though to get some good heat.
wouldn't an open lid defeat the purpose of smoking altogether, since all the smoke would just escape instead of bouncing off the dome lid?
I've never tried it on my WSM but have at work on our UDSs. Bag of charcoal in the bottom and works great for grilling a mess of dogs, burgers or chicken on the top grate. Fire gets pretty hot but the food is quite a ways from the heat so it is perfect for grilling and get the food to the troops quickly.
I would think that you will be grilling more than smoking with the lid off, and virtually no temp control.

