Any WSMers in San Diego?

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jeff lowe

TVWBB Super Fan
I was wondring if there are any WSM users in the San Diego area. I throw bbq parties for a group called the Chowhounds and it would be great to have a few more BBQ guys with me.

I also would like to get together with some locals and do some experiments!

If you want to get together please let me know.

I know it is hard to get socalers to commit to anything but I thought I would give it a try.
Why am I not surprised that no socalers have responded at all? It is like pulling teeth to get these guys to commit to anything!
i wish we could have met earlier..dont you think it would have been fun to take the smoker to a charger game...although i use a different smoker, i find it hard to find suggestions with this type of charcoal smoker,,,,any suggestions smoker
Do you own one of those smokers? If so how has it kept its temperature? Do you like the smoker?

If you want to come down for some of the BBQ outings I run let me know.
Jeff is the man...very experienced and knowledgeable.

If you do own one of these smokers can you tell me how long a load of charcoal runs? In the WSM I have gotten 26 hours (in Florida) and most people easily have achieved 16-18 hours up to 22 hours without adding charcoal...

Interesting smoker design...let us know...

i am farely new to smoking. i have had this smoker for about a month. I smoked two 5 lb. prime ribs for about 6 hrs at about 200 and they came out nice. I have problems getting highter temps. ANy suggestions would be appreciated. I bought at wal mart. as for how long charcoal will last, i am not sure.
You can try to close up any other possible leaks or holes. Try to seal the door with aluminum foil, make kinda of a seal on the door with multiple layers of foil.

One thing I noticed on the charcoal bin on your smoker there is no grate to get it off the floor of the smoker. So no air can circulate underneath to get you good combustion. Buy a grate and lay it on a couple of empty tuna cans turned over on the bottom and make up a wire basket out of chicken wire (hardware cloth) to place on top of the grate (similar to the WSM charcoal ring). That will help.

Also for higher temperature just foil the waterpan and leave out the water.

Good Luck!
thanks for the info. i had some similar ideas, i just want the holdidays to be over to give me some free time to experiment with my smoker more often. Please post more info here as i will also post my results at a later date.

Anytime you want to get together for some bbq experiments let me know. I would be curious to see your smoker in action.

I throw several bbq parties through the year and you can come to just eat or bring your rig and we can burn the coal.

Just email me if you want to ge together.
thank you for the invitation. I would be glad to come to one of your bbqs. I just hope school or work does not interfere with the dates. Also, would you mind if I bring a some family members along.
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