Another Turkey Success!

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Well, scored again with another successful Turkey smoke! /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif It's only the second time I've done turkey on my WSM and the first whole turkey.

Followed Chris's receipe for "Butterball-type" except no rub (as per request).

10lb bird went on at 11am and came off exactly 3hrs later at 2pm. WSM held steady at 338*F at the lid and I took it off when the thigh hit 180*F and the breast was just going over 165*F.

It was quite juicy throughout except the first slice of breast was on the dry side, which was considered just perfect by some.

The only notable difference was color - not quite as dark as Chris' but still nicely brown.

I try something a bit different to save the drippings - I used both the WSM water pan and the Brinkman Charcoal pan. Used the Brinkman first, then put the foil-lined WSM pan on the bottom rack. Wound up with well over a cup of drippings and not a single burnt spot.

Thanks again for everyone's help - this forum as be extremely helpful, as usual! /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif
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