another newbie question

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Dave Cason

New member
Hi Everyone,

Here's a rare and never before posted question for you ! (grin)

I'm staring at my new WSM and it's soooo shiny! Now, what the heck should I do to "season" it before I use it for the first time?

I've heard coat the insides with oil and spark it up hot-ish (300deg) and toss some bacon on the grill(s) for 6 hrs or so, what do you think?

BTW - PS - any tips, ideas on running my WSM up here in Calgary, where right now it's a balmy (grin) -5.6 degrees Celsius or for you guys 21.9 degrees Fahrenheit .... Burrr its gonna be a cold smoke this weekend I think! Wish me luck and if you have any tips please pass em on!

I don't think that seasoning is necessary. When I got my WSM, I just fired it up using the Minion Method,put 2 butts on and cookethem like I had good sense. They turned out great. I think there is more info at the site about the "care and feeding" of the Bullet.
No way I can relate to that kind of cold!!
It gets that way maybe one in 5 years down here. /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif
I agree with Pat, just fire it up with a butt or some chicken and give it a test drive. Chris has some cold weather info here on the site, I think the consensus is to use lots of fuel and keep it out of the wind. The wind is the real killer. I know some people have made blankets out of insulation for their smokers.

Good luck.
Hi Dave,
I just got my WSM for Christmas and had the same questions, thanks for asking them, and thanks for the answers! Guess all I have to do now is put up a wind guard and buy some meat!

Thanks for the advice guys, I'll be heading off to home depot to buy some Reflextix if I can find it and we're going for it tomorrow.

BTW - its now snowing and its -11.9 degrees Celsius or 10.58 degrees Fahrenheit and I'm going for it!!

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