Another New/Old Grill


Jerry N.

TVWBB Emerald Member
This is the second grill I cleaned up and gave to my son-in-law. Now they each have one and I'm happy to have gotten them a Weber. I got this one for $175 with the tank pretty much full. I was able to clean it up with elbow grease and only had to put an igniter into it (about $15). It took a lot of work to get the grates cleaned to the point they were acceptable but it kept me from having to get new ones. And because it's a gold, it already had SS grates and flavorizer bars. The bars are starting to rust, but they'll be good for a couple more years and I'll replace them then.

Originally posted by Vincent On:
Nice. Is there warping of the firebox? your third picture show firebox a little warp.

The picture looks way more warped than the actual. It looked a little warped when I put the grates in, but it wasn't enough that bothered me. Looking at the picture it looks really bad - it wasn't.

You probably don't want to hear that I picked up one like that for $40. But mine's an '05 with the thermometer in the middle.
It also came with a propane tank with a stuck valve. (stuck open.)
The anti-leak valve or whatever they call it will stop flow if the hose is disconnected while the valve is open. I have to add that the grate on yours looks a lot shinier than the grate on mine which is between dark gray and black.

You can make me turn green with envy and quietly slink off if you remind me about what you have parked behind yours.

That's a pretty nice thing to do for the kids. I set both of mine up with mini-WSMs. I don't think they ever use them but I do when I visit them. (The younger one has a Crate 'n Barrel lime green performer that he cooks on and the older one has an older performer that we found on CL.)
It's not that I don't want to hear that you got one for $40. Actually, I think that's pretty cool. I just can't be patient and wait for a great deal. I felt I wanted to get this taken care of sooner than later.

I keep looking for the $40 deal, but for now I'm just happy that I got both of my son-in-laws a good grill for less than half the cost of new.

