Another networking issue . ..


D Peart

I've an odd networking issue I'm hoping someone has an idea on how to fix. The HM can connect to my main AP without issues, but cannot connect to my secondary AP. In my house one corner of is covered by the main AP, then I have a second AP in the other far corner to cover that side of the house. They two APs are connected via cat5. All my cell phones, tablets, laptops work just fine with the two AP, that have the same SSID, but run on different channels.

The issue is that if the secondary AP is hooked up, then the HM will not connect to the wireless network. Unfortunately, the smoker is on the side of the house where the secondary AP is. To get it to work, I have to unplug the secondary AP, then the HM connects without issue. Both routers run Tomato. The main router is a G+N router(Ciscso E3000), the secondary is G (wrt54g).

Any ideas?

You may have the wireless configuration set to attach exclusively to that BSSID (the MAC of the one router). For some reason OpenWrt does this if you "join" a network, you actually join the specific AP you were receiving at the time you joined.

SSH in and `vi /etc/config/wireless`. In the first section there should NOT be (going from memory here because I'm at work) an "option bssid xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx" there but there should be an "option phy phy0". At least that's what I think. I'll have to check when I get home.
Ok I don't see that line. Here is my file:

config wifi-device radio0
option type mac80211
option channel auto
option macaddr 80:1f:02:70:95:90
option hwmode 11ng
option htmode HT20
list ht_capab SHORT-GI-20
list ht_capab SHORT-GI-40
list ht_capab DSSS_CCK-40

config wifi-iface
option device radio0
option network wwan
option mode sta
option ssid <ssid>
option encryption psk2
option key <password>

Other ideas?

My first thought would be to disconnect/disassociate the HM from the WIFI, then go over near the AP you want he HM to connect to and re-establish the connection (hoping it grabs connection from the AP you prefer)....

...but I am sure Bryan will have more to say about your config and have more insight on how you might tweak it to allow it to grab access from the nearest AP....
I had a chance to look at this and looks like I was confusing things. The option bssid is usually in the wifi-iface section and looks like you don't have it so that's good. Your second AP isn't set to 300/450mbit only is it? That's usually called something like 40MHz channels or "Turbo Only" or "MEGA 802.11n" or "super fast speed" or some other marketing jargon. The HT20 in the config means 20MHz channels and if that AP is not set to Dynamic 20/40 or 20 Only, then you wouldn't be able to connect to it. That's all I can think of.

