An action shot.

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Quick! Call the Fire Department!!!
Rob, Never cooked with dryice on the WSM
Do you recomend that over Kingsford
Just Kidding. How did the salmon turn out. Wife wants me to do that. What rub did yoy use on it. Bryan
Hello Bryan S.

Fish turned out pretty good. 3 weeks ago I used the same recipe and it turned out a little better.

I followed the salmon recipe right in the cooking topics section (see the tab above) of The Virtual Webber Bullet *almost* to the letter. So I guess it wasn't technically a rub since it was cured.

Here was my mistake: The fish I bought turned out to have been skinned. So I figued I'd cure it on both sides and get more taste...... In reality it made the fish a little too salty and I believe a little too dry.

The other issue I had with this cook was the competition ribs. Don't skewer and roll the racks as I did in the "action shot" if you're using this recipe.

Skewering and rolling them makes them come off the smoker in a rolled shape. This recipe uses a liquid stage. The rolled shape prevented them from laying flat in the liquid and they came out a little drier than normal.

So there you go. Enjoy the salmon. (It's even better the next day.)
Rob, thanks for the info. Have to get salmon with skin on. Wife and kids love salmon i don't. Several other people here have recomened that salmon recipe. Guess that's the i'll do.
Thanks Bryan
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