Am I Trippin'?



TVWBB Super Fan
Doing a beer can chicken on my WSM. Grate temp, per the Maverick, has been hovering around 260 the entire time. It's only been an hour, but my Maverick meat probe is telling me 135 in the breast (heh), which I confirmed with my instant-read digital.

According to this recipe, I should be looking for a 160'ish temp in the breast (heh), but Chris got it closer to three or four hours. Either my bird has a stall in it, or am I reaching temp much more quickly than normal...?
Beer can chicken should not take more than 1.5 hrs total. 325+ temp would be ideal for chicken.
Maverick reached a meat temp of 160 around 1 hour 45 minutes, which was verified with the instant reader. Pulled it off, let it rest, and we dug in. Very moist and very tasty. Next time I may try it with an empty water pan to see if I can get the skin crispy.

Also next time I'll take pics.
Noe is right, I never do mine on the WSM, do it on the Performer instead, I keep it around 325-350, skin is perfect every time.

