Am I allowed in here....

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I own an offset smoker, am I allowed to post in here. /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

I don't own a WSM but I am beginning to think I should have bought one. I just got into BBQ'n a month or so ago. I bought a Brinkmann Smoke n' Pit Pro offset smoker a little over a month ago and have only made two things on it so far. The more I read about the WSM the more I think it would fit into my schedule right now. I have 3 kids ages 4,6, and 9 and my wife works all weekend so finding time to tend to the smoker is tough. It sounds like the WSM is pretty easy to use and fairly hands off when it comes to keeping temps. I'm stuck with what I bought for now so I'll have to make the best of it.

I have been coming to this site for the past few weeks now and there seems to be a lot of good info on here reguardless of which type of smoker is used. I just today noticed the BBS and man do I have a lot of reading to do. I'm hoping to spend some time in here and learn a few things to improve my BBQ. It's kinda funny. My next Q I was thinking about doing some ribs and I found the BRITU recipe last nite and today there are posts about it. I think I may try that this weekend. Sounds really good.

Enough babbling from me, how about I introduce myself. My name is Chris "Pacman" Ingermann and I live in Muncie, IN. I have been a homebrewer for the past 5 years and just recently got interested in BBQ. Several of my homebrewing friends own smokers and that sparked my interest in BBQ. The one thing that I really want to get good at with my BBQ'n is pulled pork sandwiches. I have read several different websites about pulled pork and my mouth just waters everytime I read them. Pulled pork is the second thing that I made on my smoker. It was good but i do have a lot of work to do to make it better. I guess I better stop for now. That's a long enough hello me thinks... /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif
It's just like the Baptist Church, Chris, the enlightened and the unenlightened are all welcomed together. Hope you enjoy the sight, and good luck with your smoking!!!!
A number us have or still are cooking on number of different style of cookers, if you ask there will be someone that can help with sugestions and techniques.
Welcome Chris!!

A fellow Hoosier here! Ft. Weenie!

Let me know if you would like some help with your unit. It needs a couple of mods to make it work a little better.

Also, if you ever need some help cooking, drop me a line and I may be able to come down and give you some hands-on support.
Howdy Kevin,

I made a couple of modifications to the smoker already. All I did was add a baffle in front of the firebox and some aluminum flashing to extend the chimney. It seems to have helped even the temps in the smoking chamber. Here's a picture of what I did. Modification Picture

I may have to make them more permanent in the future. What I need to do now is get some insultation and some firebricks. I want to put some bricks inside the smoking chamber to help hold in the heat and i'm going to get some water heater insulation for the outside. It looks like the temps are going to be in the 30's this weekend and I want to try the BRITU ribs this weekend so I better get on it.

Thanks for the offer for helping cooking. I may just have to take you up on that sometime. Do you continue to BBQ through the winter and if so do you do anything special to fight off the cold weather?
South Bend here. Yes we do cook during the winter. I had the SNPP and used it for a couple of years. I sold it and bought a WSM. The mods work great on the SNPP. The best tip I can give you for winter use is to keep it our of the wind.
I'm from the Great White North, cook year-round, and I can't agree with Bruce more. build yourself some kind of windbreak. You can compensate for cold with a lot less anxiety than trying to fight fluctucating temps due to gusts of wind.
Chris, I have a Brinkman Smoke & Pit and have tried many times to cook on this thing. I've never been able to keep a constant temp without standing over it all day.
Spend the money and buy a WSM--you'll be glad you did.
The only down side is you will have to find some other way to entertain yourself while cooking.
hahahahahahahahah KB...

The kids keep me "entertained" enough trying to keep them from fighting with each other.

I have only used the SnP twice now and i did spend quite a bit of time with it trying to maintain temps but I figured it was mainly because I am new at this. Are you saying that no matter good i get I will always have to stand over the SnP to keep the temps consistent? That just won't do. I will have to seriously consider getting a WSM since it's so easy to use. Maybe I'll get one for myself for christmas /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif The wife won't be too keen on that with me just having bought the SnP though....
>>>Are you saying that no matter good i get I will always have to stand over the SnP to keep the temps consistent?<<<

Unfortunately, that's the nasty truth about cooking with an offset, an inexpensive one in particular. As well as my WSM I also use a Char-Griller, which is similar to what you have, and I have relegated it to short cooks only since I got my WSM. Don't get me wrong, I can turn out good 'Q' on it as well as anything else, it's just the amount of attention required that'll kill you, especially if you start having more than one thing going at once. On the plus side, even if you do invest in a WSM as well, the Brinkmann makes a really good, large-capacity grill.
Hey Pac,

Homebrew & BBQ. Two hobbies that go hand in hand. Still hanging around Skot's site?

I've been too busy to hang around here or with the Rats. Trying to free up time.

Q'd a nice brisket and some ribs on my WSM for my birthday last month, and put some serious dents in kegs of IPA, Cream Ale and Amber Ale, however.

Darren (Weeble) Gaylor

Hey dude! Yeah, I would say beer and BBQ go together pretty good. So many of the other guys were talking about BBQ that I just had to try it out for myself.

I haven't been in the chat too much lately. There's been too much bullsh*t going on in there and i haven't felt like chatting too much. Besides, now that I have found an interest in BBQ i've been reading as much as I can about it and nothing else. I've been spending so much time looking at Q'n stuff that my brewing is way behind.

I am hoping to be able to get some time to make some ribs this weekend and brew a batch or two of beer. We'll see how that goes though. Things have been pretty busy around here too.

It's good to hear from ya again and hopefully i'll see ya more in here and in the chat...

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