Aluminized Steel vs Stainless Steel one-touch blades


Kyle in Woodstock

From reading a few posts across various sites it sounds like some Performers and kettles came with one touch cleaning blades made of stainless steel.

What's the easiest way to tell if they are SS? I'd like to start salvaging them if I come across some in the future. Pretty sure the 2nd gen performer I picked up has SS, but am not sure
Since I tend to doubt that the stainless ones were actually 304, the magnet test won’t work. The newer ones are pretty lightweight due to the aluminum content. That might give you some help. I would think you would be very fortunate to find old stainless sweeps that can be reused. Even stainless fails eventually under that kind of heat and food acids. Sourcing new old stock stainless sweeps is like a needle in a haystack.
Yea it's kinda weird. My 06 OTG still has the original blades and they look fine.
My Son's 2014 performer sweeps fell apart last year. The replacements felt more beefier so I hope they last longer.


