Andrew Flusche
TVWBB Member
There may be another way to do this already, but I cooked this up the other day. I was trying my first overnight smoke (on accident - the darn brisket wouldn't get done), and I wanted something that would be sure to wake me up if a HM alarm fired.
I decided to make the HM call my cell phone for any alarm event.
I use Twilio for my business phones, so it was a snap to setup a script that the HM can request which triggers an outbound Twilio call to my cell.
I used wget to have the HM hit this PHP script:
The alert.php file just outputs TwiML like this:
If people are interested in this sort of thing, I could further customize the scripts to actually say what the alarm is on the phone call. And I might could make it easy for folks to set them up.
But since there may be another (easier) solution already, I figured I'd post this before investing more time into it.
I decided to make the HM call my cell phone for any alarm event.
I use Twilio for my business phones, so it was a snap to setup a script that the HM can request which triggers an outbound Twilio call to my cell.
I used wget to have the HM hit this PHP script:
require "Services/Twilio.php";
// Account credentials
$AccountSid = "ACCOUNTSID";
$AuthToken = "TOKEN";
// Start Twilio
$client = new Services_Twilio($AccountSid, $AuthToken);
// Make Twilio connect the callers
$call = $client->account->calls->create($from, $to, 'alert.php');
The alert.php file just outputs TwiML like this:
header("content-type: text/xml");
echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n";
<Say>Smoker alarm</Say>
If people are interested in this sort of thing, I could further customize the scripts to actually say what the alarm is on the phone call. And I might could make it easy for folks to set them up.
But since there may be another (easier) solution already, I figured I'd post this before investing more time into it.