Airport Express/Stoker problems



TVWBB Member
Hello all. I had my system running great for almost a year, and all of a sudden, I have nothing. Initially I couldn't log into the Stoker using the ip address that it was being provided by the airport express. I'd enter it, and it would time out. In the process of trying to figure my problem out, I've needed to restore the Express to its factory settings, and now after attempting to set it up to work, I've jacked it all up.

I have an Airport Extreme serving up the network to the house (many clients), and I have the Express set up to 'join wireless network' and I have told it to 'allow ethernet clients'. I am now getting no ip address provided to the Stoker, so I'm even worse off than before.......

I've searched and see stuff on WDS networks, but I know for a fact I wasn't doing this previously (main unit, the Airport Extreme isn't set up for this, and I know that hasn't been changed), and it was working, so I' like to avoid that route because I'm concerned it will harm all the other connections currently going into the Airport Extreme.

Can someone point me somewhere for some help?
No help with airport express. But, I highly recommend a static address for Stoker. That way, you always know the IP address to use to connect to stoker without looking it up. Since stokerlog caches (remembers) the IP address, you type it in once and you are done!
I just got my Stoker and had some issues setting up a static IP address, the stoker wouldn't seem to save the Subnet Mask, Gateway etc. I'm using it with a wireless bridge (not an Airport Express but a Linksys running DD-WRT, but my router is an Airport Extreme). I used the the Airport Extreme's DHCP server to always give the Stoker the same IP address. To do this you need the MAC address of the Stoker- assuming you're using a mac, open the Airport Utility application on the mac, go to Advanced and click Logs and look at the DHCP clients and then try to figure out the MAC address of the Stoker- probably just by turning on the Stoker and seeing what IP shows up. Then in Airport Utility go to Internet and click on the DHCP tab- there you can add a DHCP reservation using the Stoker's MAC address (+ button below the window). I gave it an IP address near the end (give the IP address one less than the DHCP ending address in Airport Utility). Now whenever the Stoker is turned on it will be given the same IP address and you can just enter that IP in your browser or set it as a bookmark. If your Stoker is not connecting- try changing the first 3 digits of the IP address on the Stoker box to 255- it should then request an IP address when you reboot the Stoker. I'm still playing with mine, so this may be basic stuff to some.

Try plugging in the stoker to one of the routers hub jacks. That is - no wireless. Then see if you can ping it or get into the web server.


