after market cheapo burners compared to Weber OEM



TVWBB All-Star
Hello all....I have recently finished 2 resto's on old school 1000's 13 bar classics......
On one of them I just so happen to have the OEM burner set brand new and was very excited to use the good stuff......on the other I used a set straight out of China........well if were being honest I guess both sets are from China but my point of this thread is that I can definitely see a quality difference between the two.

Both grills have brand new regulators and brand new burners...........both grills fired right up on the first click and ran like scalded mules. I noticed the OEM Weber tubes to be better tuned with more controlled flames while the cheaper after market tubes ran a bit wild higher flames with some orange tips showing.

My over all question to you guys is...... ......well maybe I have a few questions......hmmmmmmmm
1. Are u guys tuning the after market tubes to have the correct flames via the air adjustments or just letting them rock and roll a little wild?
2. Why do u think the Weber OEM tubes are dialed in so good right out of the box??? Better quality??? Or better quality control? I mean its a metal tube with holes in it.......but no doubt the OEM tubes are tuned better.
3. If I tune these after market tubes it bad to get the air restricted sayyyyy too much? Or is it bad to let too much air in?

I think there's a few things here to consider. Are you just going to flip the grill? Are they good enough to let go as is? Are you curious enough to try and dial the aftermarket tubes in to the Weber set? I certainly don't see a problem with playing around with them to get better flames. I'm pretty sure the only major difference may be the QC on the Weber tubes. It may also just be a coincidence that there is a difference in flame between the two. You might have to examine many different sets to really know the answer. In any case, if you do decide to play around with them I'm sure we would all be interested in the results. Nice looking grill by the way.
I'm running (cheap) aftermarket burners in my built for roti silver 1000B with no regrets.

Flame pattern was fine. No regrets.
Dan........were the flames high with orange tips.....or controlled blue with occasional orange tip? Just curious....thanks
If I had two sets, one Weber and on aftermarket, I would go with the Weber. But, I would not pay $60 for Weber vs 1/3 that for the aftermarket. I have been running a $13 set on my Genesis 1000 for 4 years and it still has good even flames. A few orange/yellow tips are perfectly acceptable by the way.

Generally (95%) of the time, the burners will run fine right out of the box for both Weber and aftermarket. If you can see one or two shutters are not near neutral in their setting, then you might see a problem with those, but if they are all set about half open, they should run just fine. They are made to be adjustable, so if you are having issues, feel free to try to tune them in.
Ok thanks for the replies.....This particular flip is being sold at cost to a friend. My friend is a very good cook so I wish I could set him up with Weber burners and bars for the full experience but for what he is paying or willing to pay he will have to be happy with after market stuff.
Of course there are other variables in the flame tuning.......although both regulators are the same and brand new.......I will assume each manifold could make a difference as well. I dont know the difference between a high wild flame and a tight blue flame but I am guessing the tight blue flame is more efficient and better for consistent heat?? Shot in the dark there......
I will tinker with the air vents tonight and see just how much it will take to dial these in.
Yah, the blue with some yellow tips is what you are looking for. Don't get too wrapped up in adjusting them to perfection and huge changes should not be necessary.
Good luck and taking some photos would be cool.
Hi Jim,

These are the cheapest burners I could find on amazon in early october. The crossover tube was the wrong length so I had to buy that separately. Even so the total cost was about $35 at the time ( $25 burners, $10 c/o tube).

Here's a pic with no adjustments, just dropping them in and lighting them. This is a 13 bar x000 running LPG.


links to parts and all are in this thread

Hi Jim,

These are the cheapest burners I could find on amazon in early october. The crossover tube was the wrong length so I had to buy that separately. Even so the total cost was about $35 at the time ( $25 burners, $10 c/o tube).

Here's a pic with no adjustments, just dropping them in and lighting them. This is a 13 bar x000 running LPG.


links to parts and all are in this thread

That is perfect
Thanks Dan......ya you and I discussed this before.....I followed your lead last time and purchased the same burners and the additional crossover tubes. As a matter of fact while I was just reviewing it again I ordered three more of those crossover tubes. The thing about those crossover tubes is the last set that I received they didnt stamp out the pass through for the center tube so I had to Dremel my own :(
Anyway I was doing another burn off on ole red tonight.....I ran the ole gal for another hour hoping to rid the grill of any volatile gases from the painting of the interior of the cook box. Bottom line is that my burners are running flames that are taller than the ones that you pictures. I loosened the screw on each burner and fired up the grill so I could tune the tubes. After fooling around with the air vents for a while I realized they had them set correctly for their tubes. If I turned one way it would choke em out and if I turned the other way I had very tall I just set them back to the way they shipped them. If my buyer wants gorgeous blue tip flames he will have to set the burners to medium. See pics20211216_185114.jpg20211216_184921.jpg
Ps.....yes it is the correct regulator....and it is brand new......its not acting like a 1psi flame thrower by any means.......just a little high in the flame dept for my taste.
Hey Jim, I'm glad to see you gave it a shot. You said the flames seem more controlled on medium? Well that's fine, I never actually cook anything with them set to high anyways.
Not sure what is worrying you Tony. Our area has plastic high pressure gas lines for years. Subdivision was built with them over 40 years ago. Only a couple issues in all that time. 2 caused by lightning striking trees someone planted very close to the lines. Charges went down the trees, into the ground ruptured the lines and the flames were coming out of the ground. Was pretty cool actually :D The other, was the guy across the street from me. He hired some idiots with a small backhoe and a skid steer to do some drainage work. Cut right through the line.
I think any of those things could have happened with metal as well
Yep gave it a shot........and I guess its a no issue because he can cook on medium with perfect flames..........Those cheap air adjustments are difficult to twist while getting jammed in the wire mesh.....either way the grill is done and time for it to hit the road.
Not sure what is worrying you Tony. Our area has plastic high pressure gas lines for years. Subdivision was built with them over 40 years ago. Only a couple issues in all that time. 2 caused by lightning striking trees someone planted very close to the lines. Charges went down the trees, into the ground ruptured the lines and the flames were coming out of the ground. Was pretty cool actually :D The other, was the guy across the street from me. He hired some idiots with a small backhoe and a skid steer to do some drainage work. Cut right through the line.
I think any of those things could have happened with metal as well
We have had so many issues with the gas company and the water pipe people. If I ever get agency, I will make a lot of changes. And probably move

