Adjusting the flame


Jerry N.

TVWBB Emerald Member
I have a new/used grill. It seems like the third burner in back burns with more than just a little yellow/orange in the flame. The front two are almost entirely blue but the back one has a couple large flickers of yellow/orange going on when it's lit.

Can anyone give me an idea of how much (if any) yellow/orange flame flickering if normal? And if there is a fix as the manual says not to adjust the burners. Wondering if I should remove and clean the burners but they work pretty well, are old and I don't want to ruin them and have to replace them.

Any advice would be appreciated.

I would brush them with your grill cleaning brush....not too hard but enough to open the holes a bit.

Usually, such a large difference in flame color is telling you that there is some sort of difference in the gas / air ratio between the burners.

I would:
-Remove the Grates
-Disassemble the Burners (remove them from the Gas Valves)
-Thouroughly clean (steel wool / brush) the burners, be sure to clean-out the holes without enlarging them (brass brush?)
-Check the bug-screens, where the gas enters the burners. briefly hold a flame from a lighter to any spider webs that might be clogging the air inlet (like singing the hairs from a chicken)
-Also might want to check the "jet" outlet of each valve, to make sure that none are partially plugged.

Re-assemble, and I'll bet you have even burners
A yellow flame means not enough air for the gas that's flowing. Ron's recommendations are good (except that a plugged gas orifice is unlikely as that would result in insufficient gas and might not even be enough to burn.)

The air shutters can be adjusted but Weber recommends not to. Once set at the factory they should not require further adjustment. If something upsets the A/F ratio, fixing that problem should restore normal operation.

