Adjust K amounts for 22 vs 18?


Ken Grove

TVWBB Member
There are a number of recipes and guidlines on this board recommending how much charcoal to use for various recipes. I'm assuming the overwhelming majority of them are for the 18.5. Is there an adjustment needed for the amount of charcoal needed to produce the same effect on a 22.5? As an example, the "basic baby back ribs" article in Cooking Topics recommends 1 unlit chimney plus a 1/2 chimney starter. Would this do the trick on a 22.5 or would it start to wimp out near the end? I only use this one as an example... what I'm really looking for is general guidance as to how to modify estimated fuel needs for a 22.5.

The 22 seems to use charcoal a bit quicker than the 18 so I just fill up the ring and cook. If there is any left over after the cook, I use it the next time. I try not to worry about how much charcoal to use for ribs and how much for chicken and how much for a brisket...
It's always been a time/temp issue for me. My regular practice though is to fill up the ring, use what I need, then close the vents when I'm done. There's always a next cook.


