Adding wood to charcoal


J. Wilson

I've only added wood chips and not chunks to the charcoal so am looking for some tips.....for example when cooking indirect do I just add a chunk the the gray coals? I'm a little leery of it flaming up so do I let t burn for a bit or just throw it on and close the lid with the chicken on? Thanks in advance.
I use chips when I'm grilling for a ~short~ period of time. Chunks last a lot longer and are better suited for longer indirect grilling or smoking. When I toss a chunk or 2 in the kettle, I typically stick it in the charcoal basket and dump the lit on top. I'm not worried about the chunk catching on fire as the flames die out pretty quick once the lid is back on. Chips seem to ignite pretty easily due to the surface area, but closing the bottom vents will snuff it out ok.
Just keep the lid on. You won't get flare-ups. Still, I don't put meat directly over the wood because it will flame up every time you open the lid.
Just put the wood chunk on the coals. Let it catch fire then put the lid on and put your food on. That's what I do and have good results.
You could always build the wood chunk or 2 in surrounded by charcoal as you are getting
the coals ready for your cook.
I first pour a beer, then get the coals ready to cook, place the meat on the grate, chunks on the coals, place the lid on, and drink the beer(s), but that's just me.
I first pour a beer, then get the coals ready to cook, place the meat on the grate, chunks on the coals, place the lid on, and drink the beer(s), but that's just me.

Im with Jimmy on this one...Maby not that exact order i tend to drink While,during,after aswell! :cool:

