A tired out Redhead, hopefully with a bright future!


Jon Tofte

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
I liked the idea of a rundown grill by grill of our latest finds. So, here is my first contribution:


Got this for free off Craigslist after the owner agreed to hold it for after tax season. When we pulled up to get it, my wife took one look and said, "We came all the way here for THAT?!!" It is an ugly one, I admit, but it has some value too.


Red hood. Dirty but I think can be brought back nicely. A big plus for resale
Wood handle is still there and not cracked or broken
Decent Weber 8 inch wheels
Still has the swing table and hardware intact. Definitely needs rust cleanup, but I think restorable:


Frame has a lot of rust, rusted off caster leg.
Internals worthless: rusted grates, burners and flavorizer bars.


Thermometer doesn't work.
Wood slats mostly a lost cause.
Z brackets pretty rusty, too. (I have a stash of stainless ones my friend made for me some time ago.)
Control panel faded, knobs are dirty, and I broke one loading it up:mad:


Salvage what I can. If it cleans up well, use the red hood on a really nice restore.
Scrap grates, flavorizers and old metal that has no potential for re-use or welding in as a repair piece.
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Jon, that control panel-side lid endcap might be the worst one I've ever seen. The lid itself looks very nice, though.

Here's my redhead from several weeks ago that I brought home. It was a curbside find that wasn't advertised anywhere. I didn't have the appropriate vehicle to haul it home so I had to go back for it. The Z-brackets and the hood will be saved.


