A Question about Theory

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Rita Y

TVWBB Emerald Member
Low temps at beginning & high heat finish VS high heat beginning, low temp finish.
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Hello, Y'All!

Last weekend I turned out a VERY juicy double pork loin roast by first brining it and then coating it with a rub.

First, 2 of the 3 probes for my Components Design thermometer (bought before VWB enlightenment) were reading so erratically that I couldn't use them. Had to use the one remaining probe on the rack for the first half of the cook and in the meat during the second half of the cook.

I cooked the meat at 200-225?F (top rack temp, water in the pan).for 2 1/4 hours.

THE PLAN was to increase the finishing temp to 350?F, preferably higher, in order to get some caramelization on the crust.

I opened all the vents and opened the side door for a minute or so.

Things that prevented a good temperature rise -- WSM only got up to 250-280?F (lid temp):
(1) Not enough coals, and
(2) Couldn't figure out how to empty the water pan quickly and leave it in the cooker to shield the meat.

I removed the meat after a total of 4 hours -- 2 1/2 hours @ 200-225?F (top rack temp), 1 1/2 hours @ 250-280?F (lid temp).

I wrapped and rested the meat for 1 hour in a preheated cooler.

MY PLAN was to finish at a higher heat in order to crisp or at least slightly caramelize the crust. It seemed awkward (if not impossible) to remove the water from the pan, which would have helped raise the temps.

For the NEXT TIME, I was thinking about starting at a high temp (425/450?F) and a dry pan for about 15 minutes for some caramelization, then adding cold water to the pan and closing the bottom vents in order to quickly bring the temp down to 250-300?F and finishing the meat at that temp.

Which brings me to the BIG QUESTION:
If I begin with a dry pan and high temps to semi-sear the outside of the meat, then wouldn't the outside of the meat probably be cooked to above the 140?F temperature barrier for smoke penetration?

What is your thinking about the theory here? Begin low, finish high.......begin high, and finish low.....OR......????

Looking forward to hearing your comments.
Best to all,

OOps! I've been working on this post all evening and I now see that Willy T is thinking along the same lines.
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