a noobs first try!


Gord Clement

New member
To be honest, used to have a cheap electric smoker, so I do have SOME experience, but this is my first time using my new 18.5" WSM.

It was a Maple Leaf Prime, flattened chicken. The charcoal was Maple Leaf brand lump hardwood. I put in a couple of small chunks of sugar maple wood (hmmm, seems to be a maple theme!) Put on grill at 300' for an hour, then tented and held, then served.

AWESOME! Going to make some stock from the carcass.

hmm.. would have posted a pic, but I'm doing this on an iPad..
Sounds like great results on your 1st WSM smoke Gord. Congratulations!
Ok, that cooker is just too clean. You're gonna have to get it 'seasoned' up a whole bunch more if you're going to post pictures. I about went blind from the shine.


