A hot time in the old WSM

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f.j. tedford

I cooked 1-1/2 slabs of pork back ribs using Ron's Rib Rub and a light mustard slather and finished with Danny's Glaze all gleaned from Ron Lutz's new book. They turned out great in spite of my trying my best to bugger them up.

I used method one to light the charcoal with a 3/4 filled chamber. Way too much fuel for a 4 hr. or so smoke. The WSM quickly rose to 280 to 300 deg. at the grate. Closing all vents did not seem to bring it down enough. After struggleing with this for about the first hour and only getting the temps down to 269 or so, I started pulling off lit coals. I finally removed 40+ and got the temps to hold around 238 or so. I guess I acted quickly enough because the slabs were not dry at all. I even used ice cubes to refill the water pan at one point.

Next time I'll keep my 4 hour projects to about a half chamber. BTW, I highly recommend Lutz's book and would like some experts to comment on his preferred lighting method.
I recently received Ron Lutz's book & also recommend it as a good reference for bbq.
I take it that the lighting method of Ron's to which you refer is where he uses a can to create a hole in the charcoal & lit coals put in the hole? If so there's some discussion of the technique in the Advanced forum, 15 August 2000, entitled "new method of lighting WSM - quickly".


PS: Any other Aussies interested in Ron's book, see the following link: http://www.iabbq.org/lutzbook.html
He'll ship to Australia for US$20, incl P&H
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