A Few Pics


James Harvey

Hi All,

Here are a few pics from my last year, both success and failure:

Baby Back Racks

Baby Backs Sliced

Baby Backs Smoke Ring

Butt Cooked

Pulled Butt

Cooked Brisket/Meteor

Separated Brisket

Sliced Brisket

Beef Backs

Please feel free to humble me
Nobody likes false modesty. Those are some killer cooks and you know it! I especially like the look of those ribs.
Thanks all. I really wasn't going for false modesty. The BB ribs were good, the butt was great but the brisket was really dry which is obvious in the pics. I turned it into a great smokey stew in the crock pot day after. The beef backs had great colour but still kept the tough membrane along the bones after 6+ hours. They were also butchered really lean so they were more like candied meatsickles.
This was mostly an experiment on posting pic links through Photobucket. I have dozens more including HH chicken and a great prime rib and will post these in the next while now that I'm comfortable. I specifically have Stoker setup and cook pics that I will post to the ATC site.

Thanks again !

I ate a steak and a half tonight with a sweet potato and a small salad, about twice as much as I usually can hold, and your posted pictures have honestly made me hungry. Thanks for the summer memories!

