A day off cook.



TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
I don't post alot on this part of the forum cause one I'm super busy at work and two all of you make everything look so good I feel a little intimated.
But screw it!:)
So I started with a favorite recipe of mine. Poor boy Italian beef.
Pulled one of these out of the deep freeze.


Dusted that with some Italian seasonings, added a beer a put it in a pan.


About three hours later it looked pretty good.

And I added a jar of pepperocini, beef broth some more beer and a pack of onion soup mix and foiled it.

Three hours later, I pulled it and reserved the leftover defatted juice for green beans.
Put it back on the OTG to firm it up a bit.

I hope to update some plated pics on my best paper plates, but it is a day off and the beer is going down smooth.:cool:
Maybe tomorrow.

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Looking great so far, Tim! Nice way to spend your day off. That is gonna make some awesome sammiches. Looking forward to the final pics.
That looks like a little bit of heaven, what is that cut called, could not read it with my old eyes

Bill. It's a 7 bone chuck roast, what they call a pot roast around here.
It's usually pretty cheap, and works for what I want to use it for.:wsm:

man , I remember when that 7 bone chuck was 99 cents a pound....we ate a lot of it when we were young and poor.:D
that looks real good , brother. nice work.
Hey, thanks all!
I used Oak for smoke wood and the flavor and smoke-ring came out very nice. It's similar to the Pepper Stout Beef but with an Italian twist.
The juice from the "cinis" along with a pack of Good Seasons Italian dressing mix, Onion Soup mix and the Beer/Beef Broth made for a very flavorful gravy.
One of my better ones if I must say so me self.:)


