A Couple SS Performer Questions

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TVWBB Super Fan
I purchased a used SS Performer a few weeks ago. I've been cooking on it, but there's a little work I should complete on this to get it in better shape.

I've yet to use the gas starter. The gas is empty. Where do I get replacement gas? Would Lowe's or Hd have this size? I don't ever recall seeing anything other than the 20 (18 apparently) and one-pound cans.

Also, would someone kindly snap a photograph of the regulator on their Performer and post it? I want to compare it mine. Something on mine doesn't look quit right.

Finally, does anyone actually put charcoal in the charcoal bin? It seems like more effort, like decanting whiskey, than it's worth.

I appreciate the assistance.
Hey RD, The 5lb tank can be refilled...they wont do exchange like the common larger size. I beleive you posted your performer awhile back, and it looks like it has the "new" valve on your tank. Not sure when it came out but it has to be an OPD valve (new safety design)for places to fill now. I bought and old performer and had the old style valve. I went to fill up...they said no, need the new OPD tank. I bought a new one $50 (ouch) but...will last forever so...its ok. To fill up...try the UHAUL stores that rent the moving trucks. Most of them do propane refills too. If your handle on your tank has 3 finger grooves its (OPD)as opposed to the older handle that has like 8 or so. As far as the Charcoal storage bin...I have alluminum drip pans in there, smoking wood, rags, and other stuff. I have a Kingsford charcoal bin that I put my bag of coal in and sits on my deck by my grill.
Just looked at your old thread....appears you have the OPD valve, which is a good thing. Youd have to spend another $50 if you wanted to use the gas assist to get a new tank. I had to replace my igniter too ($10) But...you can just use a lighter to ignite it as well if your igniter does not work.
You wont be able to fill it at Lowes or similar places that do exchanges. You need to find a place that actually fills the tank. Around here smaller lumber yards and welding supply stores do it. Check your yellow pages.

The charcoal storage bin is NOT meant to dump your charcaol in, but rather the entire bag. No effort at all and very useful
I keep bags of apple and cherry chunks, some paper towels, and a bag of kingsford comp in my charcoal bin. It's a tight fit, but there isn't much storage space around my apartment.
Thank you everyone for your responses. They have been very helpful to me. I now have a bag of lump in the bin. I always kept it in a trash can I have nearby. It just means I have more fuel at my disposal.

I have not taken the tank in yet. I will.
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