A couple questions

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Mark Etheridge

TVWBB Super Fan
Question #1: Has anybody here in WSM-land ever bought wood chunks from www.800drywood.com? I just ordered some apple, cherry, & pecan chunks from there. 8lbs of each for a total of about $68.00 including shipping.

Question #2: How often does everybody get to cook? Every weekend? Twice a month? Right now I'm probably about once a month but only because I have a 9 month old baby girl who is fast more of a handfull than a 12# brisket!! /infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif (I luv her to death though). One of these years I'd like to do the competition thing just for the experience.

FYI for anyone wanting to order wood from The People's Wood....they are backlogged about a month. I went to them first to order my wood and that's when the lady told me how backlogged they were. /infopop/emoticons/icon_frown.gif

Have a great Labor Day
Mark, peoples online is going through a complete overhaul right now. Once they get everthing reorganized things will get better. I finally called up and cancelled my order after waiting over 6 weeks for it. They were very nice to me an said that it's going to take awhile to everything worked out. If you want a good online source for wood go to wood chips & chunks Pecan wood chunks run $33.00 for a 35-40 lb case. I cook every weekend if i don't have to work on sat. Good luck and Happy Smoking. /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

I've seen that website before but just forgot about it. /infopop/emoticons/icon_frown.gif It's bookmarked now. They have a little bit better prices than the website I mentioned. Many thanks.
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