'97 Genesis 1100 vs. '10 Genesis S-310



TVWBB Member
I have a very happy dilemma, but one I'd like to poll the audience about. If a guy had to choose between these two grills, what would you do? (I'm the guy in this hypothetical scenario)

Behind door number one, a 1997 Genesis 1100 red head. Fully restored two years ago, and my "daily driver". Rcplanebuyer grates and flavorizers, new ignitor, new Weber cover. This is the grill I always wanted as a kid...my uncle had one. It's a classic, and I know all of its merits...but it is 20 years old and at some point parts availability will be an issue. Also, I use it year round and the single layer hood means the temp inside can swing pretty dramatically depending on the temp/wind outside.

Behind door number two, a 2010 Genesis S-310 (the last year of E/W burners). It was a CL buy at a price I couldn't refuse. It'll be rehabbed "right", has the stainless rod grates, will be getting rcplanebuyer flavorizers. The larger grilling area is appealing, as is the insulated hood.

I'd love to keep both, but will only keep one. There's not really a wrong choice here, but any input would help me out!
I don't think the double layer hood is all it's cracked up to be. Also if it was me? Keep them both
I don't have either of the grills you have. However, I always have an opinion!

I do find that an insulated lid helps with cooking in the winter especially. Not sure if that is a factor for you. I have a 2005 Genesis Gold with an insulated lid.

As charming as the older grill is, I'd lean towards the newer one. I've cooked on my parents Silver B a little newer than yours and its good, but I found I got to temp faster, got hotter, and did much better in the winter on the Gold B I have. It doesn't have the 2 layer flavorizor bars, does yours?

If it were me, I'd consider trying out the 310 and seeing if you like it. If it were me, i'd really consider how nice each turn out.
Hope I can help you here. I have a 1999 Genesis 1000 deep box (now a 2000) and a 2007 E320. To start with the E320 isn't much bigger grate wise as it looks compared to the 1000. The E320 is taller which is nice.

Both cook about the same, in my case the E320 is NG and the 1000 is LP again though there is little difference.

I like the cabinet on the E320 for storage, but in humid locations rust is a real issue with them. Here in AZ rust is forbidden.

Parts wise I agree that some parts are starting to disappear for the older genesis models. I've stockpiled a horde of parts for mine. ignitors, a brand new set of cast iron grates I have Rcplanebuyers FBs so I'm good there.

I bought my 99 genie new so I'm attached to it but, the E320 is my go to gasser.

You've got a tuff choice there, both are great grills.

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