4th Weekend Cook


Marty Wisz

New member
Okay, I'm on the verge, to do a Brisket or not to do a brisket. I am planning to make a couple fatties this weekend and maybe some ABT's, but I am on the line about a packer. I have made just flats before with mediocre results but I was thinking maybe a full brisket and see how it work. The local (20 miles) butcher has prime packers for $3.89/lb. I have a 22.5 WSM just wondering if I should take the plunge. Planning on a couple fatties and some ABTs but can't decide what to do for the weekend's main course.
Go big or go home Marty! A prime grade brisket was designed for a 4th of July cook, go for it!
Sooner or later... why not now? Brisket can take a few practices to get it right (or close), but with the wealth of info here, you've got a good chance of getting it right. Go for it! If it ends up being too tough (under- or over-done), simmer the slices in some BBQ sauce with apple juice for a bit.
Brisket is my wife's fav and i haven't really got it right. So this weekend i'm doing high heat brisket on Sunday to serve on the 4th. I'm doing Ribs on the 4th as well so brisket and ribs and some sausage on the 4th.

I assume you have to really tweak the foil pan and foil to get it under the lid...the pic on this sight looks way to big to fit under the lid.

Grilling Chix on Sunday for fun--overnight citris/garlic/tequila/cilantro marinade.

Stars/stripes and BBQ....

and don't forget those who served and those who died so we can be talking about what to make and not wondering where our next meal is coming from!!!!

