4th BBQ Results?


M D Baldwin

TVWBB Super Fan
I did a 10 lb Brisket and an 8lb bone in butt. But it on ~2:30PM yesterday, kept the heat low and pulled them of ~7:30AM today, foiled in in the oven at a low heat for about 3 hours. Sorry to say, not much left. Both turned out great, I was a little worried about the Brisket getting dry, but I think the pork fat dripping on it helped to keep it moist. Inspite for rain it was very good.
Hope all of you had a great 4th!
I have two 7lb butts that i started last night at 11pm about to come off (minion method with 20 lit). Even though its hot here in Spokane that's still going on 16 hours (kept the lid temp at 230-250 most of the way).

Happy 4th and thanks to all who participate on this board...it has been a wonderful thing in my life.
I started my July 4th holiday by getting up at 1am and putting on a 10.5 lbs brisket. Once the temperature stabilized, I went back to bed and slept a good seven hours (9am) before getting up and checking again. I was BBQing on the lower grill right over the water pan. The temperature was 195 when I went to bed and 205 when I woke. I used mesquite hardwood lump. At about 10 am the temperature on the lower grate started to fall below 200 so I added some more lump. I also moved the brisket up to the top rack and added an open pot (to catch the brisket drippings) of beans/bacon/beef in a cast iron dutch oven. I pulled the brisket off about 2:00 pm (internal temp 205 degrees), wrapped in multiple layers of foil and let the brisket sit until 3:00pm.

A couple of my neighbors have offset smokers and have been ragging on me about my little bullet. They found out that I was smoking brisket so they came over to see how the newbie was doing. The brisket was perfect with a tasty black crust and a super juicy interior. As I was cutting the meat the juices were bubbling on the surface of the meat. I could not get my neighbors away from the cutting table. They could not get enough. The only other place I have ever had brisket was at Busters BBQ down the road. It did not compare to the brisket that came out of my smoker this fourth of July. I am very impressed with my WSM.
I did a Boston Butt for my 2nd smoke. I lit the smoker at 6am using the Minion method and kingsford with a few pieces of hickory. By 7am the pork was on and a temp of 260 was maintained throughout most of the day.

I had to finish the pork in the oven to get to 190 to make the 6pm party. It was in the oven for about an hour and pulled nicely.

I made one pan North Carolina style with vinegar and one pan I put a little sauce in. My buddy hosted the party and had a grill full of burgers and brats. Everyone wanted the pulled pork and the N.C. style vinegar sauce was the big hit of the party!

2nd smoke much more of a success than the traumatic 1st smoke!! Thank goodness for this board. I am learning so much.

