48hrs X 8 butts

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Whew, that was work. The first cook had 4 butts,30lbs. total. Took 25 hours. Used an empty foiled pan. I had severe temp spikes, one over 300.

Lesson learned: Do NOT stir the coals and add unlit coals on top.

Second cook was also 4 butts and 30 lbs. This cook was much smoother. 23 hours. I took the first butts off and dumped the ashes in another grill. Next, I refilled the charcoal ring and added back the lit coals from the first cook on top for a MM cook. I left all the fat and drippings in place. This cook could not have gone better.
By not stirring the coals and not adding extra coals on top, I avoided most of the temp spike I had the first cook.

When adding charcoal for those over 18 hour cooks, just rake the lit coals to one side and add a pile of unlit charcoal in the void. This will minimize a temp spike.

1/2lb. per person was plenty. Most folks did not eat too much because there were no drinks...someone had to run out to pick some up.
Also, the server went light on the portions for a while. Had there been beverages...good portions and perhaps a little alcohol....1/2 lb. would have been a good measure. As it was, this group averaged about 1/4 to 1/3 lb. per person.

There are many variables when considering how much meat.

I had two "this is the best BBQ..." comments.
This was a lot of work but it was fun. The group I cooked for was a pew-wee football team I helped coach. They were great kids-I absolutely enjoyed coaching them and I enjoyed cooking for them.
Glad it went so well for you. That is a lot of work. Two back to back cooks.
Too bad the drink person didn't do as good of a job as you did.
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