3rd smoke - Sequence help please...


Ron Hunter

TVWBB Member
I had planned to see if I could get 8 chickens on the bullet this weekend but swmbo 'requested' a slight change of plans.

My 3rd smoke - will be two butts 7.5 and 8lbs respectively. Also a 13lb butterball turkey. I'm off Monday so tell me if you think this will work?

About 10pm Sunday, using the MM and kingsford I'll start the butts on the top rack. Once I get the lid temp regulated, I'll hit the sack. Monday morning around 8-10am I'll check the butts for doneness (real word?) and start the turkey on the lower rack. Since the butts have aready been smoked, I'll wrap them with foil (keeping them in the smoker) and add hickory and pecan smokewood for the turkey. The foil is to keep the butts from being over-smoked. BTW - I will use the brinkman 2 gal water pan. Once the butts are cooked I'll move the turkey to the upper rack.

Does this sound like a workable plan to you for everything to be finished by 3-5pm?

Also, would you inject the turkey with anything? If so would you mind sharing a recipe?

If I do inject - will that put holes in the bird for more juices to escape from? If so, how do you correct that?

Ron, that sounds like a pretty good plan to me. Since you are using water in the pan, I'd just leave the turkey on the lower rack 'till done. Water is a good, safe heat barrier and I don't see the need to add the extra work.

Look at the possibility of brining instead of injecting. There are several recipes / methods listed on this site. Don't overlook Keri C.'s Apple Brine recipe ~ It's a winner!

Good luck and be sure to post the results as well as pics, if you can.

Well the two butts came off at 1:30 and are excellent. The turkey around 2:30. Dry in a few breast areas moist elsewhere. This was a butterball pre-brined or injected. I didn't have time to brine it anyway.

My wife's brother and his wife are in from Honduras. At supper tonight she (SIL) said "you can't buy BBQ this good."

I guess the in-laws approved!
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">"you can't buy BBQ this good." </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ah, yes... is it not music to your ears?
Congrats on a successful cook! (As if we expected any different...)

Keri C

