34 hours


michael mc

TVWBB Member
My cooks usually run a bit longer than most here, at 225 spares run 6-8hrs, briskets 20-22hrs, butts up to 28. (yes, i've calibrated)

This weekend i really went overboard with a 14lb packer brisket. After some judicious trimming of fat i cooked the whole piece for 24 hours, wrapped and rested it for 60 minutes, then seperated the flat and packaged it for a friend.

The point was the biggest(5-6lbs), and fattest i've ever seen, so it went back on the smoker with the purpose of ending the jiggle.

Well... 9hrs later it came off, and yes, there wasn't any visible fat left, but cut it with a fork and it ooze's the most wonderful grease.

I'll start the lipitor next week

I always cook me ribs(spares) for 7 hours min.

Rath *would give his left lung for a whole brisket*

