3 Butts 10#, 7.5# 6.75#



So I am cooking three butts overnight (see my earlier thread: 35 Adults 8 Children And expected 4 6-8lb butts , instead I got the 3 listed above. Now my concern is that the 10# at 2hrs per pound is going to take 6 hours longer than the other two butts. I need to have everything rested and ready by 1pm and would really like to avoid pulling the smaller ones off 5-6 hours ahead of the big guy if I can.

Assuming 20 hours for the big-un and an anticipated done time of 10-11am for plenty of rest before 1pm.

So I put myself before the mercy of the all knowing VWBB what time do I start.

Currently I am looking at between 2 and 4pm and leaning towards 4pm thinking that if the first two come off at a decent hour we will be fine for the big guy to come off a little late.

What, pray tell, would you do?
I would start cooking them at the same time. I have kept foil wrapped butts in the cooler for 4 hours with no problem. They still burned my hands when I pulled them without gloves.

I don't think it'll take an extra 5 hours for the 10 lber. I would be surprised if it takes another 2 hours, to be honest.

Good luck!
Remember that some smaller butts take longer to cook than a larger one. All you can do is assume the larger one will take the most time, but be wary and check the other two to see how they are coming along.

I have never had a butt take more than 1 1/2 hours per pound, but that day will come I'm sure.

I would cut the big one in half, cook the two 5 lb halves on the bottom and the other larger butts on top. If it's bone in ask the butcher to cut it.

Also I have had them take up to 2:45 per lb. Other than a competition I tell folks that BBQ is done when it's done.

If you want to make sure it's done on time, start early. Maybe target 2:45 hrs. per pound to be safe.

If it's done early plan to pull and reheat later.

Please post your results

also, you could put the big one on the top rack and the smaller ones on the bottom since it will be hotter up top... a thought...
So all three butts came off at 5:30-5:45am this morning much to my surprise giving me a different challenge, keeping 'em hot till 1pm when I can pull and serve. i have double foiled and placed in a cooler with blankets and towels.

Fatties are a cookin'

I have a remote thermo placed on the outside of the largest butt (between it and the foil) is this where it should be for measuring temp. Hopefully it will stay above 140 for the next 6-7hrs.

Thanks for all the advice!!!! (will post a full rundown later this weekend with some pics).
You have the right idea with the placement, but I'd probably put it outside of the smallest butt. My thinking is that the smaller mass will cool quicker. There are other variables though.

6-7 hours is a long time. You might use a portion of that time to read on cooling and reheating here. Just in case...
well I read that section and it recommended putting the probe on the "inside" of the meat. So I did that and the internal temp just dipped below 150.

There is a serious space issue in the house so I have actually taken the wrapped butts and placed them back on the WSM (fatties just came off) with the dying coals. lid temps is about 230..if the internal starts to climb above 190 I will pull them back off. Thoughts?
Greg is correct. When monitoring temps after cooking to avoid potential foodsafety issues the themometer should be placed in the spot most likely to cool quickest, usually a surface.

I have done what you are doing with success--closing off vents and letting the wrapped butts sit in the cooker.
As mentioned the internal temp of the 10# dropped to about 150 so I threw all 3 back in the WSM along with about 10 unlit coals. The internal of the 10# climbed back up to about 170 before I pulled them back off around 11am for a 2 hr rest and to make way for the chicken the lid temp stayed between 225 and 240 during this time.

The largest butt certainly seemed dry to me, the smaller two appeared and tasted more moist initially, but by the end all seemed dry to me. I applied the lexington sauce liberally as I pulled the meat.

On the upside all the attendees raved and I think everyone had seconds, with several people taking pork to go (have to remember not to be so willing to give out leftovers next time). As noted I found them a bit dry and over salty (have to remember ease off the rub next time). Although the meat was very tender the bark seemed to be overly tough in places and overpowering (again I have to cut back on the Rub - thinking one of the next 2 butts will be naked which I meant to do here).

I made myself a sandwich a little later this evening which resulted in a more favorable take on the pork, maybe I just needed some distance.

while I feel that there is room for improvement on the pork the Basic BBQ Chickens were absolutely perfect, I have never had a more tender and moist piece of chicken...simply amazing.

My take on the "Miss Piggy" Sauce was also well received (I cut the chili/cayenne in half and subbed the chili powder with chipotle going with half yellow/half brown mustard) as were the ABTs (many folks asking for the recipe of both the sauce and the ABTs).

