2nd brisket smoke..still needs improvement


Hunter Lewis

TVWBB Member
Hey guys, hope everyone had a great weekend with lots of good eats. I smoked my second brisket over the weekend. It was on the grill for about 7.5 or 8 hrs @ around 250 degrees. I pulled it at 180 internal and foiled her up. When i cut into it, it was much juicier, but still isnt alling apart in my hands. What gives? should i pull it at 160 and foil it for a couple of hours?

Smoke on

well, i assume that you want it to fall apart??? but you know what happens when one assumes....neways....if you are goign to foil.. i think the general practice is to wrap with foil at 160 and then take it to either 190 or 200....i have seen to see more ppl take it to 200.. tahts what i do.....it slices really nicely at that temp....mine really doesnt fall apart.. then again .. i dont want it to ....nu... hpe that helps....oh ya.. also put in a ice chest for 2-4 hours....help break down more of the tissue as well...enjoy
Stupid question time....just exactly how and when do you foil? Doesn't it change the texture of the meat?

I just started smoking and am having a ball reading and learning, but I think I'm becoming somewhat of a geek. For the past hour, I've been reading Dr. BBQ's book like a novel!

Karyn, this has been a big topic here. You don't have to foil, but it isn't wrong either. Foil helps speed the cooking process and keeps the meat moist. I prefer not to foil, but others here do. I think the meat comes out a little more like pot roast than true brisket when you foil, but it still taste pretty good.
For brisket many foil around 170 and cook it until it reaches 190-195.

My suggestion is to try cooking both ways and deciding for yourself which way you prefer. There is no right or wrong way - both ways have won many competitions. It all comes down to personal preferences.

Good luck and don't worry about becoming a BBQ geek. We've all been bitten by the bug and that's why we're here!
Thanks for the info. Guess I'll just have to play around some more...but my instincts tell me that I'll probably second your opinions....maybe two briskets at the same time, one foiled and one not, just to get a direct comparison.

Our hobbies and our pasions are occaisionally the same, especially BBQ.

We have to find our way through the thickets that life throws up in our way . . . like foiling.

I have done several flats and packers withour foil, unti I had reached 180 or 190 (in the flat) and then foiled for resting. Other folks, whom I RESPECT GREATLY, foil earlier.

Try it. Get experience/education. My worst experiences were OK and most of them were GREAT (asking the guests opinions, not mine).

BBQ is not about perfection, it is about walking the path. Enjoy, learn, grow in your own mind with the support of friends and family. We are here for you.

