26 with the Mini Ranch conversion in SoCal


J Grotz

TVWBB Wizard


Not mine. Looks nicely done. I have neither the room nor the use for it, but I wish I did.
Looks like a nice one! I’d make some room but, I’m not sure my wife would understand. Even though she is the most indulging wife on this earth. I’m really pretty well set so, I’m better off simply cooking! Or cooking simply.
I’d make some room but, I’m not sure my wife would understand.
I have a bbq island with a drop-in charcoal grill, a WSM22 on a HF cart, a 22" kettle, and a Genesis 1000. Last night in Costco, I paused to look at the Q2200 package they sell. My wife's comment was "What would this replace?" I have a very understanding wife, but if I bought this, the thing getting replaced would not be one of my grills, it would be me. 😅
I have a bbq island with a drop-in charcoal grill, a WSM22 on a HF cart, a 22" kettle, and a Genesis 1000. Last night in Costco, I paused to look at the Q2200 package they sell. My wife's comment was "What would this replace?" I have a very understanding wife, but if I bought this, the thing getting replaced would not be one of my grills, it would be me. 😅
That admitted, if I found a good deal on a “basic” 26”, and could get it home without a big kerfuffle, I’d be obligated to build an “Overactor” making the 26” at the big end with my “spare 22” with a side table for a Smokey Joe station. The Smokey Joe spot would be as much as ignition position as a “two top” dinner station....maybe I need a better design for my back yard?
I’m mentally designing a cement topped multi unit table most of the time. Whether it’s an 18” WSM, and a 22” kettle or the “great deal 26”.
I’m more likely, to do the WSM combination, justification for a 26” is spotty at best. I’ve got a buddy that does some cement work (passively) with making some window boxes but, I’m not so sure what his chops are with respect to something like I have in mind.
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That is a really good price and looks well built. I built my mini-ranch about 7 years ago and between the kettle at 329 and the ranch frame and other misc. parts at another 100 bucks. At 300 that’s a pretty good price. I don’t need 2 but if I was say a few hundred miles closer I might just have to do it. 😁

