New member
Hello all, I'm newly registered to the site but have been harvesting awesome info here for sometime. However I haven't been able to find anything specific to my question(sorry if this is discussed in another thread but I haven't found it). I currently have a 22 OTG and have been using a smokenator with it for some time now. This setup works great and I have had many successful cooks using this setup. My issue is the lack of room. While I have smoked as many as 8 racks of STL spares at one time(using 2 homemade ext. racks using extra charcoal grates and a hovergrill), it was quite cumbersome. So I'm curious if anyone here has any personal experience with the 26.75 using the larger smokenator vs buying a 22.5 WSM. I'm leaning towards the WSM but the 26.75 is tempting also. Thanks for any responses and advice and this is a GREAT site.