22 hour Brisket


R.D. Harles

I put a 7.75 lb. brisket (flat) on at 8 p.m. and the internal temp finally hit 190 at 6 p.m. the next day. I started with a heaping ring of coals to start with and threw a "bunch" more on at after about 15 hours. The temp got down to about 200 degrees overnight - not sure how long, so I guess this could have caused the delay. Still wouldn't have expected it to take that long. Foiled it in a cooler for about an hour after removal from smoker. No big deal though, bottom line is it turned out great! It sliced nicely and tasted great.

Any other theories on the length of time or do you chalk it up to "every brisket is a little different"
Wow, I have never had one take that long. But then again I always get tired of it sitting at 165 for 2 or even three hours. Somewhere in there I foil it and put it back on. Usually only takes a little over an hour to finish it.

Well when the doctors don't know what it is, they say must be a virus. We lawyers just blame the Judge ! Certainly the temp drop during the night had some effect. If it was done way before, then I would think it would have dried out, but you said it was great. I guess after a reasonable period of time, it would have been wise to see if it was fork tender. Sorry I can't be much help.

R.D.--If you're talking 200 lid I'm not surprised; if 200 grate then I would be. I'd chalk it up. Depending on the internal fat structure--well, I've had them go long and short (my last one came in at 47min/lb--go figure). Paul's right though. After a period of time it's wise to test with a fork for tenderness. Great that yours came out well. But sometimes the therm doesn't tell you when the meat is done. The fork will. Sounds like a good dinner had by all. Who'd want for more?

