2 racks of ribs on 22 plus beans, no cook too small


Jeff Padell

2 racks of ribs on 22 plus beans, no cook too small with VIDEO

Doing a 2 rib cook today for just the wife and I. two different size racks, after 2 hours the smaller one is starting to bend like itis getting close to done. The larger one is not bending much as expected. just wrapped them and now the nice th ing about the WSM22 i put the small rack on the lower grate where it is cooler leaving the larger one on top. i will give them an hour wrapped and t hen unwrap and depending on how well the are doing cook till done. My wife likes fall off the bone ribs, but then she's Irish. with an hour to go I will do a salmon steak and some baked beans.
pictures to follow
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The smaller rack finished first and I "crisped" it on the grill. The beans came out well with just a hint of smoke. The salmon, well I like it better on the broiler

They were nice and moist, I used water in the pan and maintained 246 through the cook.

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Very nice looking ribs and beans. I am sure they tasted as good as they look. We need "TASTE O VISION"
This was only my 4th smoke so far, I am getting better, practice makes perfect.

Afterwards I took the middle section off to cover the coals with my OTG 22 top to snuff the coals faster, I don't know if I will do that again, it was heavy and awkward due to 3 gallons of water in the water pan.

But without water in the pan I would do that. I was amazed at how few coals a 6 hour smoke took (1 hour pre and 5 hours cooking)

